News and Updates

Change of address... Saturday October 7, 2000
I'm getting pretty tired of fortunecity always being down, so I decided I'm moving to some place great that doesn't have any banners, and it gives me unlimited space. So I say so long to fortunecity. I'll give you all the new address as soon as I get things going. And I'm still looking for some help. E-mail me at[email protected]. if you want to help me out.


Weapons Section Friday, September 8, 2000
I started working on the weapons section two and half weeks after I said I was going to. BAD BLACKJAK,BAD! Oh well, it's coming. I do a little every chance I get. Hopefully it gets up soon. I'm still looking for some help. If you want to help e-mail me at [email protected]. That's all I have for now! Bye bye!


New Format... Tuesday, August22, 2000
Today I got my new map, on the left side. Pretty nifty eh? It took awhile for me to figure out, even though it was hecka easy to figure out. I'm just dumb. Tomorrow I plan of finishing the weapons section... finally. And also, I'm looking for some help on my webpage. If your interested, e-mail me at [email protected] That's it for me, have a nice day.
